Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snowing, so let's go to Bluefield.

That's a crazy idea. Traveling from Welch to Bluefield during the summer takes an hour. Going in the winner when the temperature is dropping to the low 20's and blowing snow is absolute suicide. Both Krynock families and the Wilson family decided we all needed to get out for some shopping and dinner. We went to Tractor Suppy, Sam's Club, Lowe's and Staples. We finished off the evening with Bellicino's Pizza. It's the best pizza in the area as far as we are concerned. The meal was good but the company was better. We laughed and talked for over an hour and a half. For some reason we were the only ones there! We had a great time. This is one of the blessing of ministering together. Sure, we had a long drive home and a few white knuckle moments but it was worth the drive.
When was the last time you went out with friends and just enjoyed the moment? No rush, no expectation. Just hung out. What a blessing!